Auction at Old School House for Hospital
Simmons negative number 742
A crowd of people outside the old school house looking to bid on a treasure.
According to Kit Lane, auction items were unneeded items from the Kirby House Community Hospital after the new facility opened.
Index text:
742 0/9 Douglas - hospital Hospital auction
From photographic negatives created by William R. Simmons, editor of the Commercial Record newspaper between 1941 and 1961.
Caption text from the 2001 SDHS book "Off the Record" — Auction Day for the Hospital Fund Drive, ca. 1959 — The location is the Old Douglas School House lawn on Center Street. The new hospital was opened in 1960.
Douglas Community Hospital 1960-1985Douglas Union School 1866-
William (Bill) Simmons
Winthers, Sally
194 Simmons Negatives
Simmons, William "Bill" R. 1890/1-1966