Big Pavilion Construction Postcard
A black and white postcard showing the construction of the Big Pavilion from the road. There are four men standing on the roof of the building. Along one of the corner steeples there is scaffolding. Most of the windows are still not installed.
Big Pavilion
Big Pavilion 1909-1960
The Big Pavilion was constructed in 1909 and became the landmark of the Saugatuck-Douglas area. In May of 1960, the Big Pavilion caught on fire and burned down.
1909 Big Pavilion -1960
Henning, Caleb
Divided Back (1907-1915)
circa 1909
3-1/2 in
5-1/2 in
Postcard Binder 1 street scenes buildings
Grade 3 Very Good
Status: OK Status By: Mary Voss Status Date: 2011-07-18