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Manufactured History: Memories of Chase Manufacturing

Tuesday, July 30, 2024
11:00 am - 12:00 pm

About the Event

Cost: Free

Many people remember 200 Blue Star Highway in Douglas as the site of the former Haworth factory. But fewer people recall that a plating company named Chase Manufacturing operated there. In 1965, a large multinational conglomerate, Gulf + Western Industries purchased the plant. In the mid-1980s, local and state officials discovered contamination in the city’s municipal wells, and toxic waste behind the elementary school. Ultimately, the state traced the contamination back to Gulf + Western’s operation in Douglas, though seldom is their name mentioned when discussing this still-contaminated site. For this Tuesday talk, Kate Levy, Artist in Residence at GVSU, will present a historical and poetic lecture about what she has learned about this site through historical research and conversations with various people in the community.


The History Center in Downtown Douglas
130 Center St.
Douglas, MI 49406 United States