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Civil War exhibit research


SDHC ExhibitsMilitary, wars and veterans

Winthers, Sally

119 B CDs SDHC Book/Exhibit production

American Civil War 1861-1865

File names on the CD: Kit Lane Civil War Folder 23 Loomis archive record.jpg 01 Moores Mill.jpg 02 Etching Saugatuck ca 1864.jpg 03 1861 lighthouse.jpg 04 Saugatuck 1864 map.jpg 05 Ganges map.psd 06 Union meeting at Newark.jpg 07 Levi Loomis etching.jpg 08 James G Butler Civil War.jpg 09 General Elisha Mix.jpg 10 Nelson Wade.jpg 11 F B Wallin f.jpg 11 F B Wallin.jpg 12 Senator Stockbridge.jpg 13 1861 Morrison hall.jpg 14 George Bailey.jpg 15 Eddy brothers.jpg 16 Charles Billings ca 1865.jpg 17 Fred H May age 42.jpg 18 Parrish.jpg 19 Henry Blakeslee.jpg 20 Spencer rifle.jpg 21 Volunteers storming.jpg 22 G N Dutcher standing.jpg 24 Stone River.jpg 25 Saugatuck House scene.jpg 26 Soldier with colors.jpg 27 A Tim Daggett ca 1910.jpg 27 Calvary wanted ad.jpg 28 John Nies.jpg 29 Gettysburg fight dismounted.jpg 30 Elisha Mix etching.jpg 31 Wm H Dunn - Capt.jpg 32 Dr. W T Hoy.jpg 33 Hanchett Civil war letter p1-4.jpg 34 Hanchett Civil War letter p2-3.jpg 35 Chickamauga.jpg 36 William White - Civil war vet.jpg 37 James W Billings.jpg 38 Andersonville.jpg 39 Edward Penfold.jpg 40 E B Wright and Hattie Moffat.jpg 41 Hiram Ellis.jpg 42 J. Rice Taylor.jpg 43 Walter Billings posing.jpg 44 Geo D Dean.jpg 45 Henry Bird Jr.jpg 46 William Weeks.jpg 47 First Mich Sharpshooters colors.jpg 48 flag of truce.jpg 49 Alvin Stilson ca 1910.jpg 50 SURRRENDER STORY.jpg 51 sharing rations.jpg 53 Ben Pritchard ca 1865.jpg 54 Jeff Davis capture.jpg 55 Davis entering ambulance.jpg 56 Grand review.jpg 58 Plummer records.jpg 59 Andrew Plummer farm.jpg 60 Alfred Wallin ca 1900.jpg 61 Parish Ingraham family ca 1900.jpg 62 1873 Saugatuck map.jpg 63 Walter Billings in buggy.jpg 64 1893 Reunion ribbon.jpg 65 Allegan monument.jpg 66 Ganges monument 1907.jpg 67 Civil war Raplee grave.jpg 68 Ganges parade 1907.jpg 69 Ganges Band ca 1870.jpg 70 Custer statue.jpg 71 Anthony Slack.jpg 73 Civil war parade ca 1918.jpg 74 Kimsey death story.jpg 74 Kimsey photo age 93.jpg 75 Joshua Brown.jpg 76 Lt. Ensign.jpg 77 Kimsey archive records.jpg 78 Drummer 44th Indiana.jpg 79 HM Silver Cornet Band tu.jpg 80 WARREN PRENTICE CA 1865.jpg 81 Robert McLaughlin.jpg 82 Adam Miller.jpg 82 Adsit Raplee.jpg 82 Billings and Eddy 80th bday.jpg 82 E J Stow.jpg 82 Edwin Wallin.jpg 82 G. N. Dutcher ca 1863.jpg 82 Henry Shriver.jpg 82 Newnham Family.jpg Billings discharge papers.jpg civil war timeline Crane photo Look Out mtn.jpg cw sidebars.doc cw timeline.doc cwbib.doc Important battles map.jpg Kit Lane Civil War open file 6th Infantry flag final.jpg 13th Infantry flag copy.psd 13th Infantry flag final.jpg 13th Infantry flag.jpg 61-65 Stonewall Jackson.jpg 1890 Cavalry reunion.jpg Adsit Raplee.jpg Cannon from microfilm.psd Captain White valentine back.jpg Captain White valentine.jpg Civil War ironclad.jpg Decoration day 1902 A.jpg Decoration day 1902 B.jpg Decoration day 1902 C.jpg Decoration day 1902 D.jpg Decoration day 1902.jpg Fort Hindman tinclad.jpg Fourth Cavalry flag final.jpg Fourth Cavalry flag.jpg Francis Stockbridge etching.jpg Ganges monument.jpg General Bragg gunboat.jpg George Dean - Civil war vet.jpg HM Silver Cornet Band.jpg John David Paton ca 1864.jpg Kit 1.tiff Kit 2.tiff Kit 3.tiff Kit pic list .psd Kit pic list A.psd Kit pic list B.psd Massey photos.jpg Massey postcards.jpg Our Vanishing Army.jpg Plummer Confederate schedule.jpg Sixth infantry flag.jpg The band - back of Eagle house.jpg Third Cavalry flag.jpg Third Michigan flag final.jpg Civil War Folder 23 Loomis archive record.jpg 01 Moores Mill.jpg 02 Etching Saugatuck ca 1864.jpg 03 1861 lighthouse.jpg 04 Saugatuck 1864 map.jpg 05 Ganges map.psd 06 Union meeting at Newark.jpg 07 Levi Loomis etching.jpg 08 James G Butler Civil War.jpg 09 General Elisha Mix.jpg 10 Nelson Wade.jpg 11 F B Wallin f.jpg 11 F B Wallin.jpg 12 Senator Stockbridge.jpg 13 1861 Morrison hall.jpg 14 George Bailey.jpg 15 Eddy brothers.jpg 16 Charles Billings ca 1865.jpg 17 Fred H May age 42.jpg 18 Parrish.jpg 19 Henry Blakeslee.jpg 20 Spencer rifle.jpg 21 Volunteers storming.jpg 22 G N Dutcher standing.jpg 24 Stone River.jpg 25 Saugatuck House scene.jpg 26 Soldier with colors.jpg 27 A Tim Daggett ca 1910.jpg 27 Calvary wanted ad.jpg 28 John Nies.jpg 29 Gettysburg fight dismounted.jpg 30 Elisha Mix etching.jpg 31 Wm H Dunn - Capt.jpg 32 Dr. W T Hoy.jpg 33 Hanchett Civil war letter p1-4.jpg 34 Hanchett Civil War letter p2-3.jpg 35 Chickamauga.jpg 36 William White - Civil war vet.jpg 37 James W Billings.jpg 38 Andersonville.jpg 39 Edward Penfold.jpg 40 E B Wright and Hattie Moffat.jpg 41 Hiram Ellis.jpg 42 J. Rice Taylor.jpg 43 Walter Billings posing.jpg 44 Geo D Dean.jpg 45 Henry Bird Jr.jpg 46 William Weeks.jpg 47 First Mich Sharpshooters colors.jpg 48 flag of truce.jpg 49 Alvin Stilson ca 1910.jpg 50 SURRRENDER STORY.jpg 51 sharing rations.jpg 53 Ben Pritchard ca 1865.jpg 54 Jeff Davis capture.jpg 55 Davis entering ambulance.jpg 56 Grand review.jpg 58 Plummer records.jpg 59 Andrew Plummer farm.jpg 60 Alfred Wallin ca 1900.jpg 61 Parish Ingraham family ca 1900.jpg 62 1873 Saugatuck map.jpg 63 Walter Billings in buggy.jpg 64 1893 Reunion ribbon.jpg 65 Allegan monument.jpg 66 Ganges monument 1907.jpg 67 Civil war Raplee grave.jpg 68 Ganges parade 1907.jpg 69 Ganges Band ca 1870.jpg 70 Custer statue.jpg 71 Anthony Slack.jpg 73 Civil war parade ca 1918.jpg 74 Kimsey death story.jpg 74 Kimsey photo age 93.jpg 75 Joshua Brown.jpg 76 Lt. Ensign.jpg 77 Kimsey archive records.jpg 78 Drummer 44th Indiana.jpg 79 HM Silver Cornet Band tu.jpg 80 WARREN PRENTICE CA 1865.jpg 81 Robert McLaughlin.jpg 82 Adam Miller.jpg 82 Adsit Raplee.jpg 82 Billings and Eddy 80th bday.jpg 82 E J Stow.jpg 82 Edwin Wallin.jpg 82 G. N. Dutcher ca 1863.jpg 82 Henry Shriver.jpg 82 Newnham Family.jpg Billings discharge papers.jpg civil war timeline Crane photo Look Out mtn.jpg cw sidebars.doc cw timeline.doc cwbib.doc Important battles map.jpg Kit Lane Civil War open file Kit add to timeline folder: 23 Loomis archive record c.jpg 58 Plummer records.jpg 77 Kimsey archive records.jpg Additional lower wall In camp Quarters.jpg Michigan Hospital.jpg Riverboats abreast.jpg Allegan Journal quote.jpg Billings discharge papers.jpg Blakeslee letter 1-25-1863 A.jpg Blakeslee letter 1-25-1863.jpg Blakeslee psalm book.jpg Civil War Volunteer enlist.jpg Henry Blakeslee Letter Jan 1863 A.jpg Henry Blakeslee Letter Jan 1863.jpg Timeline Building bridges.jpg Timeline A winter quarters.jpg Timeline Baseball.jpg Timeline Gunboat.jpg Timeline Look Out Mountain.jpg Graphics for Civil War timeline folder civil war timeline 01 Abraham Lincoln.jpg 02 Jefferson Davis.jpg 03 the war begins.jpg 04 Thank God for Michigan .jpg 05 the old warrior.jpg 06 Battle of Bull Run.jpg 07 Union seizes New Orleans Untitled-1.jpg 08 Battle of Shiloh.jpg 09 Bloodiest day of war.jpg 10 Building bridges.jpg 11 Stone's River.jpg 12 Slaves are freed.jpg 13 Battle of Gettysburg.jpg 14 Lee exiting Gettysburg.jpg 15 Vicksburg .jpg 15 Vicksburg surrenders.jpg 16 Battle of Chickamauga.jpg 17 New general.jpg 18 Andersonville.jpg 19 Union troops capture Atlana.jpg 20 March to sea.jpg 21 Alt - march to sea.jpg 22 Petersburg & Richmond fall.jpg 23 Lee surrenders.jpg 24 Lincoln is shot.jpg 25 Death on the river.jpg 26 Two day march.jpg

