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Morrison family home Butler St.


REMEMBERING BUTLER STREET The photo banner and feature title at the top of the page is the new look starting with this issue of the Local Observer. The panoramic photograph was taken from Mt. Baldhead about 1874. It is a remarkably clear photograph from a large glass plate. Because there were far fewer trees 130 years ago, it presents a fine view of both Saugatuck and Douglas. A schooner with sails up can be seen at the basket factory site. During the second half of the 19th century the south end of Butler Street was home to the Morrison family. Samuel A. Morrison [sic - Stephen] was one of the early Saugatuck area pioneers –coming from Vermont in 1835. In 1840 Mr. Morrison started a tannery in the area where Hotel Butler stands today. In the next fifty years he became a successful business owner and a pillar of the community. The Morrison family home (upper photo) - built in 1850 - was located on the southeast corner of Butler and Culver across from the Saugatuck Village Hall. The home was later converted to a small hotel known as Leland Lodge. It was destroyed by fire in 1978 and is today the site of the Viola Fox building. The lower photo reveals Butler Street after a good snow about 1912. The Morrison home is just out of the picture on the right. The OUR HISTORY feature look has changed but the responsibility for the content has not changed - volunteers Jim Schmiechen and Jack Sheridan of the Saugatuck-Douglas Historical Society, split the work of selecting topics, choosing photos, researching and writing. Utilizing the SDHS technical resources, Jack will produce the finished product each week. Thanks to the Local Observer and our readers the SDHS enjoys this opportunity to exhibit the wonderful history of our area.

Remembering When

Winthers, Sally

Digital data in CatalogIt

Sheridan, John "Jack" O. 1938-Schmiechen, James A.Morrison, Stephen A. Jr. 1815-1905Fox, ViolaViola Fox Building / Leland Lodge / S.A. Morrison home 1850-1978

Local Observer

Status: OK Status By: Mary Voss Status Date: 2016-08-08

