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Big Pavilion and George Worthington


Worthington, George RaleighBig Pavilion 1909-1960

“The lad who guided us down the three mile channel of the Kalamazoo River seemed dwarfed by the gigantic dance hall on the riverfront, but we never doubted for a moment that he was master.” According to Jim Schmiechen in notes from 2009, this story is based on the Chicago Tribune article, “Young and Old Enjoy Boating at Saugatuck,” Sunday Edition, August 18, 1940, by Lolita Linn.

1909 Big Pavilion -1960

Voss, Mary


Big PavilionSaugatuck waterfront


Worthington, George Raleigh

Big Pavilion 1909-1960

Notes: Personal note attached Status: OK Status By: Mary Voss Status Date: 2012-08-13

