Building news compilation 1860-1900
The document cites references to the A.B. Taylor Bank/1st location of Fruit Growers' Bank, Adams homestead, Bandles addition, Riverside Rest, Barnett building, the Bird house on Allegan Road, the Bird block, the Bird gallery, Phelps Drug Store building, Blink building, L.D. Buck building, Butler Street, Coates house, Cook building, Davis place, Deming place, Densmore house/Zwemer building, Dickey lots, Durham Building, Dwight house, Ebmeyers store, Ebmeyer building, Francis building, Francis place, Gerber building, Goshorn building/Goshorn block, Griffin building, Hopkins building, Hutchinson place, Joslyn house, Kenneda building, Lakehouse or Hough Hotel, Lelands addition, Maxson house, McMann house, Metzger building, Mason St. Miller building, Miller house, Moffatt place, Moore lots, Moore building/J.A. Aliber's store, Morrison lots, Morrison house, Naughtin place 1897, Nichols or Walz building, Nies building, Nies place, Palzer place Flynn, Phillips building, Photograph rooms, Plummer place, Powers building, Putnam residence, Robinson building, Roche building, Rode building, Rogers building, Ryan building, Schaberg or Goshorn building, Southwell House, Stimson building, Taylor block/Fruit Growers State Bank, Tedmon building, Thew building, Titus house, Tyler House, Upham House, Upson place, Wallin/Cook/Metzger building, Walz building, Walz block, Wheeler Building or Buffalo House, Wheeler house, Wilcox gallery, Wilson building in Douglas, Wolf building, Woodworth building, Zwemer building or Densmore house. See NOTES section, below, for details
Buildings: LostBuildings: CommercialBuildings: Homes, cottages and private residences
Winthers, Sally
021 Area Buildings
Bandle, James Henry 1847-1908Riverside Rest/Bandle Farm/Bandle's Addition 1890-2024Christian Science Church/Barnett Bldg.C.E. Bird house/Frolic ResortBird and PhelpsBuck, L.D.Vosburg, Arvilla (Hoose or House) 1826-1892Zwemer buildingVan Syckel Grocery/J.E. Durham storeMitten Brewing/Purple PalaceBrass Anchor/Prajna Gallery/Celebration/Elms Hotel/Francis residence/Morrison HallL.W. Mc Donald's People's StoreSanta Fe Trading Company/Old World Bakery/Rosemarie/Wilson Ice CreamMize Rose Garden north side/Fruit Growers State Bank/Clapp's Grocery/Flint's Shoes/Walz Meat Market/Griffin/TannerPhil's/Global/The Walton/The Embassy Bar & Grill/Cook Building'Round the Corner Ice Cream Shoppe/Model Laundry/Metzger BuildingSaugatuck Gallery/Singapore Bank Book Store/Kozy Koffee/Variety Shop/Aliber Grocery/Moore BuildingViola Fox Building / Leland Lodge / S.A. Morrison home 1850-1978Tuck's Pandora Christmas Shop/East of the Sun/Cabin Tavern/Walz's Butcher Shop/Nichols Bldg.Butler Pantry/Wilkins/Koning/Nies HardwareCoral Gables Annex/Dog House/D.L. Barber mercantile #1Momentum/Brigadoon/Roche BuildingHidden Garden-Renaur-Wine Sellers/John Noonan home/Surry/Summer Home/Corner House/Capt. Rogers homeKerr Building 33 Center St.Grins/Martha Shop/Dr. Walker's office/Miller Robinson/Turell BuildingMize Rose Garden south side/Soda Lounge/Crow Hotel/Davis Hotel/Davis Restaurant/Stimson & Winslow buildingTedmon BuildingThew & Leland/Commerical Record Office 1899Buffalo House c1800-1958B.A. Maxon HouseSchumacher, JohnBarnett, Olive (Dolbee) 1827-1900Hubbard, Emily Lydia "Emma" 1848-1923Barnett, John 1816-1906Bandle, Janet (Brown) 1842-1912Veits, Loren E. 1860-1946Koning, John 1858-1927Winslow, Edward Damon 1855-1899Robinson, Miller 1859-1940Woodworth, Warren A. 1836-1922Thew, Charles Nelson 1865-1927Walker, Dr. Robert J.1869-1944Bird, Henry Sr. 1817-1915Bird Block/Bird Furniture Store/Wilcox FurnitureDr. Mather's officeLandsharks/Tripp's/Kruger's/C.E. Bird's/Ensign Drug Store/Wilcox BuildingArticles/Soda Lounge/Fruit Growers Bank/A.B. Taylor Bank 1894Metzger, Jacob "Jake" Friederich 1854-1928Happystance/Chaps/Auction House/Douglas Cafe/Wiegert's Model GroceryMaxon, Bryon A. 1851-1939City Meat MarketDavis Livery/Heath & Stillson livery/Schaberg’s Roller RinkUpham's Opera House/Miller's Hall
Text OCR scanned by James T. Faasen, edited by Sally Winthers, May 14, 2024 A.B. TAYLOR BANK at 146 Butler - 1st location of FRUIT GROWERS’ BANK 4-3-96 Work began in earnest on the new bank building last Monday morning. 4-10-96 The front of the new Taylor Block will be re-pressed brick, trimmed with Waverly stone . 4-24-96 The Fruit Growers State Bank will probably occupy its new quarters about June 1 . 5-1-96 Work was suspended on the bank building on account of a lack of brick. Another supply was obtained Tuesday and the work resumed . 8-7-96 Dr. Perrin has occupied his new dental office in the bank block, and has sufficient reasons for feeling proud of his new quarters . 7 -22-98 Last Thursday night, about midnight, fire broke out in the Francis building next the bank block, resulting in the total destruction of that building and a narrow escape of the adjoining buildings. The fire was first discovered by Russel Taylor, who gave the alarm. Those first on the scene discovered the interior of the building to be full of flames, indicating that the fire originated on the inside. The fire engine was quickly manned and a stream of water on the building, together with the efficient work of a bucket brigade, was effective in saving the bank block, although it is doubtful if this would have been accomplished but for the timely arrival of the Douglas fire engine with a good crew of workers. The burned building was occupied by P. A. Wolfe, jeweler and optician, who had an insurance on stock and fixtures of $650. Dr. G. H. Perrin, dentist, occupied the front rooms in the bank block, and suffered a loss of about $125 on his office fixtures, which is fully covered by insurance. Russel Taylor occupied the rear rooms, and the damage to his furniture and personal effects was in excess of $100, with no insurance. The damage to the bank block has not been estimated, but it is not serious and is covered by insurance. 11-10-99 Dr. G. H Perrin has decided to stay in Saugatuck and can be found in the dental parlors over the bank building. ADAMS HOMESTEAD - 1867- 1869 Mrs. Adams - Lot 229 on Lucy St. @-6-89 L. E. Viets, who has lately returned with his family from Ohio to this place, has purchased the old Adams homestead on Lucy Street . BANDLES ADDITION 12-28-1894 Most of the late real estate transactions have been monopolized by J. H Bandle who last week sold one parcel of land of five acres to Col. B.C. Chambers and another of three acres to Dan Southwell. He has applications for several other pieces of land which may be disposed of soon. 01-25-89 John Zwemer has purchased two village lots of J. H. Bandle on Holland street south of the U. B. church. he will build a residence on them 3-22-89 Ed Winslow has bought a lot south of the Wesleyan Methodist church of J. H. Bandle where he intends to construct immediately a frame dwelling . 4-5-89 Material is being delivered on the ground for another residence on Bandle’s Addition by the Wesleyan Church. J. D. Schumacher is the builder. 4-5-89 Within the last twenty days J. H. Bandle has sold a number of village lots from his Holland street addition. Ed Winslow has one, John Koning and Ed Takken, each two, and other sales are pending. Winslow has a building in process of construction and Koning and Takken will follow his example before long. John Zwemer expects to commence the erection of a fine residence on his lot in that neighborhood the present season. A new east and west street will be opened there and the "north end" will speedily come into prominence . 6-7-89 Chas Ludlow has purchased all of J. H. Bandle's remaining lots on Holland Street, south of the church, six in number for $900 8-30-89 E. D. Winslow has purchased of J. H. Bandle two more lots adjoining the one he bought last spring. BANDLE’S RIVERSIDE REST, 116 Riverside Drive in Saugatuck Township 1-27 -99 Singapore sawdust, 15 cents per load. Pay to Janet B. Bandle, Riverside Rest. BARNETT BUILDING - Mrs Olive Barnett - Lot 98 except S 12 feet 3-23-88 I have located permanently in the Barnett building, west side of the public square, where I propose to carry on the dressmaking business. Cutting and fitting a specialty. Miss Emma Hubbard 6-29-88 The old gentleman Barnett got his hand to close to a circular saw in the basket factory last Monday and received a bad wound. 8-16-89 Robert Spears announces that he will open a meat market in this village as soon as he can obtain suitable building. The Barnett place on the public square will probably be the location. 10-11-89 Robt Spears has moved his meat market from the Barnett building on the public square to the building lately vacated by Miller Robinson . 5-19-90 The Social League will give a strawberry social at their rooms in the Barnett building Friday evening May 16. 12-25-91 Social League - The effects of the Social League, comprising stove, carpet, curtains, table, chairs, etc. for sale. They may be seen at the rooms lately occupied by the League in the Barnett building. 4-1-92 Dr VanderVen is established in town and has an office in the Barnett building on the public square. 8-5-92 As will be seen by the notice in another column, the law firm of Woodworth & Thew has been dissolved. Both gentlemen will continue the practice of law in this village. By twp years residence in the community, and close attention to business Mr Thew has won the confidence of the public and will doubtless receive a good share of legal business. His new office will be in the Barnett building on the square. 9-8-93 By Line - The latest styles of millinery goods at Miss E. Demings, Saugatuck. Barnett bldg on the public square [may be Ella (Deming) Goodrich ?-1854] 1-12-94 Frank Barnett visited from Beatrice, Neb this week. He left here about twelve years ago. 6-14-95 Dr R. J. Walker, a graduate of Trinity Medical college, Toronto, Ont., has located here and has an office in the Barnett building on the public square . BIRD HOUSE or Frolic Resort or 765 Allegan Road 8-8-90 Mortgage Sale :Village lots 12 and 15 Blk 3 Morrisons & Densmores Add't - Executed to Evelyn M. Haight, Victor M. Johnson, Emma Haight, Lizzie M. Johnson, Adelaide Hawk, Della P. Johnson by Reuben T. Rogers and Charles E. Bird, Uber 67 pg 149 due amount $1, 308 C.E. BIRD’S DRUG STORE on NW CORNER of Hoffman and Butler, 306 Butler in 2024 5-15-81 Ors Lemley and Gillespie, dentists, of Holland, have rented for an office one of the rooms above Bird & Phelps drug store, and will be in town every Tuesday to remain as long as the needs of their patients require. 10-19-83 Mr. L. A Phelps has moved into the rooms over C. E. Bird's drug store. 11-28-84 S. H. Phelps will move his family into the village this winter, and will occupy rooms in the Bird Block. 5-22-85 Dr C. F. Hanchett, of Allegan, a good dentist, has been here this week, and will remain a few days more. Headquarters at C. E. Birds'. Give him a call. 4-22-92 AM. Hulsen of Fennville, has put a stock of jewelry in Bird & Phelps drug store, with C. H. Robinson in charge, who has also a complete outfit for doing all kinds of watch and clock repairs. 7-14-93 Dr Holmes has his dental office over Bird and Phelps store very neatly furnished . C.E. BIRD’S DRUG STORE REAR unit, one door west of C.E. Bird’s Drug Store on Hoffman 4-3-69 SOLD. --Mr. G. D. Wilcox has sold his Furniture Store to Henry Bird Jr. formerly of the firm Bird and Bacon 6-18-70 Blk Adv.-- J. WEED &Co., Builders, having Superior Facilities for Drying & Working lumber, and a force of skilled workmen, we hope to secure a fair share of Public Patronage. Parties wishing work done can leave their address at our office [Birds Furniture Store ] and will be waited upon promptly. 10-4-78 E. J. Tedmon has RENTED the Old Furniture Rooms (one door west of C. E. Birds Drug store ) and is moving his harness shop into it. 9-12-79 Squire Newnham has removed the Justice Office to the building known as the Bird Furniture Store. 12-17-80 Mrs Smith has moved from the house she occupied on the public square, to the rooms over the Justice office in the Birds Block. 5-19-82 Dr Mather, not to be outdone, has moved his office to the first door west of Birds Drug Store. 10-6-82 Office and rooms upstairs, first door west of Birds drug store 8-21-85 September first will find the Walz Brothers, butchers, in the store next to Bird's drug store on Hoffman street . 10-9-85 The Walz Bros have moved to their new store on Hoffman St 12-4-85 Guy Ames has leased rooms over the Walz Bros meat market, and his sister, Miss Mabel, will manage the house . 2-4-87 Announcement that Charles E. Bird has sold drug store including building that occupied Walz meat market to L.A. Phelps & Co. 5-6-87 Capt. Fred Menier has moved his family to the mouth. Capt Robinson will occupy the rooms vacated by Capt. Menier, over Phelps & Co's store. 5-23-90 H. D. Moore, Saugatuck’s new lawyer [but likely not H.D. Moore the lumber baron], opens an office this week in the Bird & Phelps building on Hoffman Street, at the rear of the drug store. 6-6-90 P. H. Peterson has rented the Bird & Phelps building at the rear of the drug store and will start a variety store. 7-25-90 The Congregational society of Douglas, will sell ice cream on the lot west of the Bird building, Saturday night. 2-27-91 K. S. Jones the jeweler, has rented the building at the rear of the drug store of Bird & Phelps, and will occupy it as a watch and clock repairing shop. 8-21-91 Blackman Bros, of Allegan, have rented the building at the rear of Bird & Phelps drug store and opened a meat market therein. They issue advertisements announcing that they have had much experience in the market business and will keep a full stock of meats. 4-7 -93 The ladies of the M. E. church will serve dinner Monday next in Bird & Phelps building, west of the drug store, from 12 to 2 o'clock p.m. 8-11-93 A kindergarten school will be started in the vacant building at the rear of Bird and Phelps store if enough children can be secured to make a profitable attendance. 10-27-93 Next week James Davis will open a meat market in the building at the rear of Bird and Phelps store. BIRD BLOCK NORTH - unit to the north of C.E. Bird’s Drug Store on Butler that included BIRD GALLERY or OLD ART GALLERY 9-27-78 Jake Metzger has moved his Barber Shop again. This time into the Photograph rooms. He has it fitted up in first class style, and has secured the services of Mr. O. Hinkley, of Grand Rapids, who will attend to your wants in the tonsorial line. 8-29-79 Blk Adv."Read! Read ! A TOWNER would respectfully inform the public that he has leased the Art Gallery. One door north of C. E. Birds drug store on Butler street, and will always be at his post. He also keeps for sale a good assortment of Chromes and Frames, and everything pertaining to the art. Photographs pr dozen $1.50, Tintypes, 4 for 30cts. Terms, cash with the order .. Give Him a Call Satisfaction Guaranteed. Produce taken in payment.” 5-9-79 Justice Newnham has moved his Justice Office into the old Art Gallery on Butler street. 10-31-79' Please announce through your columns that I have rented the Old Art Gallery of C. E. Bird where I will open a meat market and will keep at all times the best of meats the country affords, which I will sell at living prices. With my former experience in the business and fair dealing I will endeavor to merit a fair share of the public patronage. Terms will be strictly cash. J. A. Houtcamp C. O. D. Market9-7-83 W. H. Mills, photographic artist, still continues in business at his old stand on Butler St., Saugatuck, ready as ever to take your picture. Call now. Prices remain as usual, $1,50 per dozen photographs and a cabinet ; 50 cents for 4 tintypes. 3-24-82 Justice Pond has moved his office into the building formerly occupied by the C. O. D. Meat market. ( In Art Gallery north of C. E. Birds) 5-9-84 Robert Lurie, a watchmaker of sixteen years experience, has opened a jewelry store in Mill's Art Gallery, where he will be found Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, to do all work that he may be entrusted with. He wishes to locate here permanently, and a good mechanic can find enough to do. 3-4-87 Austin Miles is the name of the man who has bought the Tim Dwight property in this village, and he is moving his effects here this week. Mr Miles is a practical shoe maker and will open a shop in the old photograph building on Butler street . 7 -8-87 Our village has a new grocery store just started by Austin Miles in the Bird building, Butler street. This building has come to be of considerable importance, as four lines of business are carried on in it now. 8-5-87 Blk Adv New -- In New Quarters ! Miller Robinson has moved into the building first door north of L. A Phelps & Co., and will carry a full stock of Spectacles, Watches, Clocks, Silverware and Jewelry. Repairing Promptly Done. 8-12-87 A Miles has sold out his stock of tobaccos, confectionery, etc., to Miller Robinson, and will move to Dowagiac this week. His successor in the business will keep the shelves full of choice goods. 12-5-90 John Hayward opened a meat market to-day in the Bird building on Butler St. 11-25-92 Mr L. Shepard has purchased the harness business and stock of F. C. Kent, and will carry on the business at the Bird gallery on Butler street. Patrons of the shop will find Mr Shepard a skillful; workman and his stock of harness, robes, and blankets complete at all times. 9-30-92 Misses Bebee and Dempster of Douglas have opened a millinery shop in the building north of the drug store . 9-28-94 Fritz Walz has rented for a meat market the building which stands at the rear of Bird and Phelps store, but which will be moved to a location on Butler street just north of the drug store. 11-16-94 A new front is being put on the building occupied by Fritz Walz 1-18-95 New Meat Market! Situated in the building first door north of Bird & Phelps drug store, to which I respectfully invite the patronage of my friends old and new, whom I will try to serve in the most complete manner with a full line of Fresh Meats, Salt and Canned Meats, Lard, Etc. Give Me A Call. Fritz Walz BIRD BLOCK non-specific references [The 1906 brick building at this location was called the Heath Block] 10-6-99 Forty-four feet off the north of the Bird property on the public square was sold this week to L. W. Turrell. This takes all the land up to the harness shop and extends back sixty six feet from the street. Mr. Turrell will remodel the building for the present and use it for his jewelry business, later if the town improves as expected he will probably build a brick block on the sight 11-8-95 Chas Thew has moved his law office from the bank building to the Bird building, car. Butler and the public square. 4-10-96 D. C. Baker has purchased the C. E. Bird property, corner of Butler street and the public square. 4-24-96 Attorney Thew occupies a portion of Justice Leland’s office now. His residence is at the Zwemer building. cor. Mason and St. Joseph streets. In the near future he intends to build a residence and office on Butler street. 4-8-98 The Davis Feed store has been moved from its former location on Lake street to the Heath building on Butler street. 11-18-98 Mr. R. Heuer has moved into the rooms over Heath's drug store. 8-4-99 Mr and Mrs Bright and son arrived Sunday morning. They will occupy the rooms over the drug store BLINK BUILDING on Culver, burned 1899 4-18-84 Blk Adv -- Dr. W. T. HOY, DEALER IN FLOUR AND FEED keeps constantly on hand Holland Roller Flour, Hamilton Roller Flour, Graham Flour, Bolted Corn Meal, Linseed meal, Corn, Oats, & c. Car, Culver and Griffith Streets, Saugatuck. ( Blink Building ) 8-23-89 Last Tuesday I. Schuham opened a stock of goods in the Blink building, opposite Griffin and Henry's office 2-5-92 A. M. Hulsen, jeweler, of Fennville, has made arrangements to visit this place on Thursday of each week for the purpose of taking orders for repair work. He also carries a fine line of watches and jewelry with him on his visits here. Headquarters at store of R. Blink 3-26-95 The Womens Relief Corp will serve ice cream, cake, coffee and doughnuts at the Blink building Saturday evening of this week . 1-22-97 Mrs Ann Kenneda contemplates opening a grocery store in the Blink building on Culver street. 3-26-97 Mrs A. Kennedy is moving into the Blink building on Culver street. 5-14-97 Mrs. Kenneda has opened a home bakery in the Blink building . 11-4-98 Dr. J. H. Pear, the veterinary surgeon has his residence and office in the Kenneda Building on Culver street. 7-14-99 Last Saturday morning at about 6 o'clock, the building owned by the Blink estate, and occupied by Dr. J. H. Pear as a residence and office, was completely destroyed by fire. Dr. Pear had just built a fire in the cook stove and gone to the barn to feed his horse, and in his absence the wood work around the chimney caught and before it was discovered the fire had got beyond control. Mrs. Pear and children were visiting relatives in Illinois at the time but have since returned. The loss on both house and contents is covered by insurance. BUCK, L. D., BUILDING - Douglas - S.W. corner of Fremont and Water streets, about 75 E. Fremont in 2024 7-30-70 We see that C. McDonald has opened a new Furniture Store in the building formerly occupied by L. D. Buck. He shows a good assortment of Tables, Bedsteads, Cribs, Center tables, and many other things we have not space to mention. All these goods are of his own make and are warranted. He intends to keep everything in his line as low as any other deafer in this section. 10-1-70 D. Gerber has bought the property of L. D. Buck, who goes to Kansas. 4-22-71 Stephen D Nichols lately started a meat market in the store formerly occupied by L. D. Buck, and later by C. McDonald and Co., as a Furniture Store --- Douglas 5-6-71 New Ad -- Washington Meat Market - S.D.Nichols corner of Hoffman and Butler Saug. Corner of Fremont and Water-- Douglas 2-22-78 Mr. Gerber is repairing the Buck building. We understand it is to be occupied as a store next season BUTLER STREET 6-2-77 Shaving, Haircutting, and Shampooing. Rooms one door north of the Saugatuck house, on Butler St 1877 B. A. Maxson. - Jeweler - 2d door N. of Hotel Saugatuck 1-18-78 Mr J. Brandstetter has removed his jewelry store one door South to the building formerly occupied by B. A. Maxson. 8-23-78 George Arnold has purchased the building formerly occupied by Jake Metzger as a barber shop, and will move the post office into it in a short time. COATES HOUSE 3-11-87 James Purdy, of Holland, was in town this week. Mr Purdy is the owner of the property just north of the public school lots, known as the Coates house, and refused a cash offer of $800 for the place. 3-25-87 Geo Crawford has bought the Coates place, near the school house, of Jas Purdy, of Holland, and will move the house on the vacant lot next to J.M. Pond's residence. COOK BUILDING - See Metzger Bldg. CITY MEAT MARKET BUILDING lot 173 on Mason Street east of Griffin Building - NE corner of Mize Rose Garden in 2024 5-7-1875 DEED Charles L. Goodrich sells George Walz property in the east part of lot 173 for $150. 1877 Walz, George meat market, Polk's Michigan State Gazetteer and Business Directory 1-20-1882 Geo Walz has sold the City Market to C. Higley (misspelled Higely). 1-21-1882 DEED George Walz sell Chester Higley building and property in the east part of lot 173 for $1,800 1-27-1882 The Higley Bros. Now have changed of the City and C.O.D. markets Chas. Higley will take charge of the C.O.D., and Chester Higley of the City Market. 10-27-1882 ADV C. Higley is now in business at City Meat Market 5-4-1883 ADV C. Higley is now in business at City Meat Market 6-8-1883 ADV Metzger & Walz proprietors City Meat Market (note it’s the same adv as Higley, just different owners' names). 10-5-1883 The meat market heretofore run by Messrs. Matzger & Walz has had a change of proprietors, J. F. Metzger having disposed of his interest to Chris. Walz. The business will be contucted at the old stand by Walz Brothers. 10-5-1883 ADV Walz Brothers proprietors City Meat Market (note it's the same adv as Higley, just different owners' names). 10-12-83 Meat Market Notes (same story as Walz Meats in Francis Building). Mr C. Higley will wait on his friends and patrons at the place vacated by the Walz brothers (his old stand). So the Village is down to two meat markets. 5-28-1886 The shop lately occupied by C. Higley is for rent. It has a good dwelling upstairs and a barn, etc., on the premises. It was the best location in town for a butcher shop. 6-18 1886 Charles Goodrich sells house between Higley Market and Capt Brittain's house for $200 to John Nies. 7-30-1886 Fire destroys Higley Market. It was a two-story framed building that faced Mason Street and took the fire at about the same time as the Griffin building. 5-24-1887 DEED Chester Higley sells Ralph C. Brittian property in the east part of lot 173 for $175. 1895 Sanborn map of Saugatuck shows it as a one story building with a printing office in front and a dwelling in the rear. DAVIS PLACE - 611 Lake St., Arvilla Vosburg residence, Gerritt Crock residence 4-15-92 Mrs Vosburg is fitting up a comfortable home on Lake street out of what was the old Davis place. DEMING PLACE about 939 State Street, house currently there was built in 1972 9-10-97 The Deming place in this village has been purchased by Rev. John Sailor, who, contemplating retirement from the ministry, will make this place his home. (Lot 5 Block 1, Morrison and Densmores addition - south side of State Street at intersection with Pleasant.) DENSMORE HOUSE somewhere on Lake St., at foot of Allegan Road. 8-25-82 Marshall Dye, The Carpet Weaver, is now set up on Lake street in the Densmore house at the foot of the Allegan road, and is prepared to do all kinds of work in that line on short notice in a workmanlike manner. Lake Street, Saugatuck. 3-21-90 A. C. Zwemer has lately purchased the Densmore house at the foot of the Allegan Hill, and has set about improving the place. (Trouble establishing boundaries of lots - city didn't want to help) 8-8-90 A. C. Zwemers building at the intersection of Lake and Allegan streets (old Densmore house lots 21, 22 Blk 4 M & D add't ) is nearly ready for occupancy. When finished it will be occupied by B. F. Rainey with a stock of boots and shoes . 8-22-90 B. F. Rainey has made a change of location and now occupies the Zwemer building at the foot of Allegan hill. He has better opportunity there to display his stock of boots and shoes. 9-26-90 Carl Ebmeyer has located his tailor shop in the second story of the Zwemer building at the foot of Allegan hill . 1-30-91 A. C. Zwemer has taken the wing of the old Densmore house as a nucleus for a new house which he is building on Lake street. The transformation of many an old rack into a comfortable and neat appearing residence is due to Mr Zwemers thrift . 4-6-94 Carl Ebmeyer is prepared to make or repair men's or boy's clothing as cheap as the work can be done anywhere. When you want anything in his line remember he is located in the building at the foot of the Allegan Hill. 10-5-94 James Davis and Tim Daggett have formed a partnership and opened a feed store in the Zwemer building, corner of Allegan and Lake streets. They are agents for the Hamilton Milling Co and will exchange flour and feed for grain on the same terms as granted at the mill. They will also keep all other brands of flour for which there is a demand. (Lot 21 and 22 Blk 4, Morrison & Densmore Add't ) 11-5-97 Carl Ebmeyer has moved his tailor shop from the Zwemer building on Lake street to the rooms over Bosman & Pieters clothing store . 4-8-98 The Davis Feed store has been moved from its former location on Lake street to the Heath building on Butler street. 10-22-99 Freeland & Getz, of Bangor, have rented the Zwemer building at the foot of Allegan Street, and will engage in the business of buying junk of all kinds. They will lso deal in tinware, granite ware, notions, etc. DICKEY LOTS - Douglas, south side Wall Street, between Spring and Main, lot 23-25 Douglas plat. 05-30-90 John Wilson has purchased a part of the Dickey property in Douglas and is moving thereon the Durham warehouse building, which he has also purchased. He will convert this building into a drug store. 10-19-94 Frank Wade has become the owner of the three lots in Douglas, known as the Dickey lots, trading therefore the lots where he has heretofore lived. His house will be moved to the new location. DURHAM BUILDING - Douglas, 32 Center St. 10-15-96 C. N. Menold, the druggist will move into the Durham building ( E 30 feet of Lot 11 Douglas plat ) 6-4-97 The Douglas post office was moved last Monday night to the Durham building, opposite the hotel, now owned by Postmaster Powers, who traded for it to Mr Durham the Starkey farm southeast of Douglas. DWIGHT HOUSE -E1/2 Lots 7, 8, Judsons or 345 Mary St. 8-24-88 Carpenters and plasterers are at work renovating the Dwight house on the hill, recently purchased by Miss Emma Hubbard. EBMEYERS STORE 6-1-77 Physicians and Surgeons. Office over Ebmeyers Store; residence corner Main and Griffith sts, Special attention paid to the treatment of Chronic diseases, also all diseases of women and children H. H. Stimson M.D, C. F. Stimson M.D. EBMEYER BUILDING - 329 Water St. also August Pfaff Jr. residence/Purple Palace/Mitten Brewery 6-11-86 FRUIT BASKETS - Notice.-- I will have Ingham, Leslie & Co's fruit packages for sale this season. I have now on hand their make of berry crates, in which particular attention is called to the manner of construction of the boxeas, they being sewed with wire. I will occupy the Ebmeyer building on the public square. S. A. Baldwin 8-12-87 Notice ! I have the Benton Harbor peach basket for sale, and shall also keep the Weed crate on hand at Ebmeyer building, Saugatuck. S. A. Baldwin 11-30-94 Fred VanHousen and "Pat" Devine have started a broom factory in the Ebmeyer building on Water street . 5-24-95 Mrs C. Ebmeyer has rented the Ebmeyer building on Water street and is prepared to fill orders for baking of all kinds. 9-18-96 John Hirner has purchased the Ebmeyer building on Water street. He will greatly improve the premises and building, which will be occupied by August Pfaff, Jr. FRANCIS BUILDING - presumed to be about where 240 Butler St. is in 2024 3-5-80 John Francis has bought the old Engine House [ $50.00] building and is fitting it up for a meat market -(Butler Street) 4-16-80 Johnnie Francis has moved into his new market next to A B. Taylors Store. He has one of the nicest markets in town. ( did not move old engine house building which is just south of the Odd Fellows Hall, just put shop into it.) 10-12-83 Meat Market Notes. -- The caterers of the public in the line of roasts and steaks have again changed bases of operation. The Messrs Walz Brothers have leased the shop of John Francis for a term of years, and are at present there serving their customers with the best the market affords 11-9-1883 ADV Walz Bros., Centennial Meat Market on Butler Street in J. Francis’ store adjoining Mr. Taylor’s. 10-19-94 The Francis market building is being moved to a location a little south of where it formerly stood . 10-25-95 James Davis and F. VanHusen have opened a meat market in the Francis building 4-12-97 P. A Wolfe, of Howard City, graduate of the Philadelphia optical college, has rented the Francis building, and will put in a stock of jewelry about May 1st. He is an experienced jeweler and will operate in the jewelry and optical business together . 7-22-98 Last Thursday night, about midnight, fire broke out in the Francis building next the bank block, resulting in the total destruction of that building and a narrow escape of the adjoining buildings. The fire was first discovered by Russel Taylor, who gave the alarm. Those first on the scene discovered the interior of the building to be full of flames, indicating that the fire originated on the inside. The fire engine was quickly manned and a stream of water on the building, together with the efficient work of a bucket brigade, was effective in saving the bank block, although it is doubtful if this would have been accomplished but for the timely arrival of the Douglas fire engine with a good crew of workers. The burned building was occupied by P. A Wolfe, jeweler and optician, who had an insurance on stock and fixtures of $650. Dr. G. H. Perrin, dentist, occupied the front rooms in the bank block, and suffered a loss of about $125 on his office fixtures, which is fully covered by insurance. Russel Taylor occupied the rear rooms, and the damage to his furniture and personal effects was in excess of $100, with no insurance. The damage to the bank block has not been estimated, but it is not serious and is covered by insurance. FRANCIS PLACE- The John Francis house/Morrison Hall is 134 Butler. For many years it was the Elms Hotel. Bauble Bath-Brass Anchor in 2024 5-12-77 The frame of Taylor and Barber addition to their store and Mr John Francis residence are raised. The former is 55 feet long and presents an impressing appearance, and the latter large enough for a good dwelling 7 -3-96 The Saugatuck Brick and Tile Co. is delivering brick on the ground this week for the new building that is to be erected on Butler street, adjoining the Francis premises, to be occupied by Chas. Thew as a residence and office. GERBER BUILDING - MCDONALD BLDG - 34-36 E. Center, Douglas 5-23-90 Mr D. Gerber, went to Ferrysburg yesterday and contracted for brick to build a two story building 48 x 60 feet in size, double store, which he will erect on the southeast corner of the Dickey lot in Douglas. One of the stores will be occupied by Corneil Gerber as a hardware store. The other will be rented . 5-30-90 Frank Seastrum has secured the job of doing the mason work on the new Gerber Block, i... [truncated due to length]