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Major William H. Dunn Letters


Military, wars and veterans

Winthers, Sally

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002 Civil War

Dunn, William Haile 1844-1934Lane, KitDean, George Dallas 1845-1914Wallin, Franklin Bogue 1832-1908Goodrich, Hannibal Henry 1842-1919

American Civil War 1861-1865

Letters of Major William H. Dunn of Ganges Ganges, Michigan September 17, 65 Dearest Willie, I am not going to try your patience very long this time. I have company today and so of course must not make a business of writing letters but will try and find time to write a few words to you. I received a letter from you last week also one from Emily, both very welcome. Emily is getting very much out of patience because she has not heard from home since she went away. We have written to her several times. Alice Goodrich is at home now is going to stay this time. I guess I hope so as it will not be quite so lonesome as it has been. Now Will I have some news to tell. It is not bad news but I suppose you will consider it as such. I have been and gone and went and had my hair shingled. I suppose you will say what a silly Girl, but I did want it shingled so bad. I wear it parted on one side and now, Soldier mine, I hope you won't scold about it. If you want I will send you my picture and kiss you ever so many times. I guess I can kiss you good natured. I will try when you come home if you are not so mad about it that you won't let me. Al's soldier has returned from the army and most every ones Soldier has come but mine and I hope he will come soon. How much longer have we got to write letters instead of talking. I hope not much longer; don't you. And now I must close my letter and go down stairs. Next week there is to be a dinner given at Pier Cove for the returned Soldiers. How I do wish you could be here. Good Bye Lots of Love and Kisses for my Soldier My Dear Willie [There is no signature. This may have been from his future wife Mary,] --- Chattanooga Tenn Feb. 5/66 4h, Will, I am so full of news that I am "running" over so I will pen a letter to you. I recvd about ten letters to day, yours of the 1 8th Dec along with the rest. I had concluded that it was your neglect why I had not recved any letters from you of late, but you inform me that you have written as many as four that you have recvd no answer from. But I assure you that I have answered all the letters I have recvd from you. I have not recvd any since your left Tenn. When you were at Sweetwater. I think was the last one. I regret that your letters did not reach me. I went to Cumb [Cumberland] Gap about the 20th of Dec & when I got back to Chat [Chattanooga] the Capt had sent my letters on to me not knowing how long I was going to be absent. Then I wrote to the postmaster of Knoxville & recvd an answer that the malt had been sent to the Gap & when I wrote the Postmaster of the Gap & after so long a space of time had recevd my letters some of them quite important that should have recvd them immediately. But so go things in the army & so might as well be reconciled to the matter "oughtn't I" In short I was most confoundedly provoked at the delay and won't say that I didn't "get up & up" some a little for diversion. Will, I think you are enjoying yourself and I am glad of it. You have been a martyr long enough & I think I have nearly. I do not see much pleasure compared with the pleasure of the society of our friends at home. I thought I might be a good deal worse off than I am. You know that a ! 3 dols per month is not always to be had by the way. I am in hopes I will come out a little ahead. Have you made any investments yet. I suppose you are apprised of my investment in land or that which I asked will be made soon for me. I am determined to get out of the army in the spring if possible. My resignation has been disapproved but I am going to try it again. If I can get the Col. to especially recommend it I can perhaps get out. Will, what do you think of going to Mo or Arkansas. I think I will go out there if circumstances will permit & look around and see how I like the country or are you satisfied with Mich. It is a good country if there was not so long cold winters. You say everyone is getting married, I am soon to hear of your marriage from you; hint that you are out late Sunday night. But of course I can have no opinion who will be the lucky Miss & so it is no use. Our officers are all going home and getting married Bali that wasn't married before) & bringing their pretty little wives down here. I fear I may get the same nature. Don't you think there is danger, is matrimony catching, I think it is. There are some nine or ten that have married since last spring amongst our officers. Well, let them go to it. every dog must have his day. You say those that have married have large families of small children, is it always certain who their fathers are? If we have been victorious, that is you and I, we ought to be able to catch up with the rest, I think it would be our fault if we do not. Now, I think you ought to tell me confidentially when you intend to marry. You speak of it being so lonesome in Ganges. I do not think it is much more lonesome there than it is here and does not seem that it would be for me. I received a letter from Dallas [George Dallas Dean] along with the rest, he expected to commence going to school soon. I think you might afford to go to singing school now. I believe you drive your own stock, do you not. Yesterday was Sunday and I had not had a good horseback ride since I have been here and I went to the livery stable & hired a good saddle horse so H. McConekle & I went out on missionary ridge & to the national cemetery there. Saw several coffins lately disinterred the inscriptions showing they were bodies belonging to the 10`h Mich. that died last year I believe. One or two from Co. F & one or two from Co. K. I do not know where they were brought from Sweetwater or Lenoirs Station. I get no letter from Buell. I do not expect he will write to me. I am afraid he is not very constant.. What a pity that he loves liquor so...Now, Will.. when you write, tell me about your stock, and what you are going to do if you feel so disposed & what you think about Mich. I think I will dry up now. My respects to your father and brother George and all the rest of the folks. With much respect your friend H. H. Goodrich 6th M I W. S.C.T. Hq --- Greenville Penn Jane 15/66 Friend William It will be unnecessary to say that I was much pleased to hear direct from you. for it has been many months since I have had a letter from you. I had a deal of anxiety about you when you were on that long and dangerous raid. You must have seen a considerable of service, that is active service. I was much pleased to hear that you had got around again out of the enemy country. I read a letter from George when he was at or near Knoxville a couple of weeks since. It was then that I learned where you were and that Dallas was at Knoxville. Well to cut a long story short I have just returned from Knoxville on 48 hours leave of absence. Was there to catch Dallas when he came in on the cars from the Refit last night. I had a good visit with him. Learned that you were A.G. I. G. [Adjutant General Inspector General] also. Bully for you. Dallas said you were so busy he did not have much time to visit with you. We have not been paid yet bur the Paymaster is in Greenville & we are expecting our pay every day now. I think I shall come out some ahead although I owe a good many debts. Yet I have not been extravagant by any means. It costs horribly to live then not half live. Everything in the line of military goods are so high & then are not good articles after paying a good price. I think things must fall soon in department. I am verry anxious to get paid so as to straighten up my debts. We are obliged to labor under great disadvantage by not being paid, in so long. Yes, Will I should like very much to see you now. Since you have returned from home. Perhaps the fortunes of war may bring us together before long. I think I have not anything more to write of any importance. I send my respects to Maj. Light, Lieut Morehouse Lieut White and yourself & all the rest of my friends. Write to me again as soon as convenient for I shall be anxious to hear how George is getting along. Direct as such and I will get your letter I am yours fraternally Henry H. Goodrich PS I have no photos of myself at present, haven't had any taken since last summer. Did you get the one I sent that belonged to you? PS Recvd a long letter from Daniel F. He is much pleased with Cal. Wants me to come there when I get out of the army. If you have not time to answer this, George must write again. [Henry Hannibal Goodrich was the son of the Ganges doctor and a neighbor in Ganges. He had served in Dunn's company in the 10th Cavalry, but resigned to accept a commission in the colored troops.] --- Ganges Michigan August 29, 1866 Robinson and Brooks Detroit, Mich I read your reply to my communication to Mr. Baskins a few days ago. Do not think you can do anything for me except in the horse case and possibly not in that, the particulars are as follows: On the 22nd of Dec 1863 Co, D 10 Mich Cav (in which I was 2nd Lt was ordered to take a drove of Cattle from Camp Wilson Ky to Knoxville Tenn. My horse which I took from Mich was not well and could not be ridden (so I procured another) and as the HdQ of the Regt. was at Camp Wilson I left him in charge of some men who were to stay. I returned the latter part of Janry '64 and found that in my absence my horse had been stolen and nothing could be heard from him. I think that under the new Bounty Law you can collect a claim for my Father, it is like this. My Brother Leonidas H. Dunn enlisted Oct 23rd 1863 at Grand Rapids in Co. D.10th' Mich Cav for three years, was mustered in the same day. He accompanied the Regt to Camp Nelson Ky and was taken sick and died there March 22/64 and my father recd from George his back pay and $75.00 Bounty making $100.00 but under the new law, I think he is entitled to $100.00 more, if so please write and let me know and I will see that you get the Business. very respectfully Your Obt. Servant Wm. H. Dunn --- Grand Rapids, Mich. Jan 9th 1888 Major Wm. H. Dunn Ganges Mich My Dear Sir & friend I thank you most sincerely for your New Years gift of "Michigan in the War." I have studied it enough to begin to appreciate its great value. My sons are already interested in its pages and I trust will draw therefrom some of the noble patriotism which inspired the heroes whose deeds are here briefly chronicled. For myself its pages are fraught with stirring memories of joys and sorrows of victories and defeats, of grief over fallen friends and tears of gratitude shed for the safe return of sons, brothers and fathers; and my faith in my country and love for the flag is quickened and strengthened. May you and your noble comrades with your families be long spared to enjoy richly the blessings which you secured to us all by these splendid achievements. A Happy New Year to yourself family and parents. I am truly your friend. Franklin B. Wallin

