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Tomahawk newspaper


The papers show what was on the minds of Saugatuck H.S. students in the early 1970s.

Winthers, Sally

Sept. 26, 1969 - Vol. 1, Number 1

Encounter: mentions Art Lane for printing suggestions, contact Terrie Parrish. Homecoming

Oct. 3, 1969 - Vol. 1, Number 2

Homecoming special issue. Mentions of Greased Pumpkin Race to replace Canoe Race. Cheerleaders sponsoring Snake Dance, float building, bike race. Homecoming dance held at Crow. Each class will decorate a store in town. Students mentioned by name include Seniors: Sue Miller, Scott Phelps, Wally Bjorkland, Bill Brockington, Sue Elliot, Anne Lussmyer, Vaughn Cannedy, Tony Johnson, Nancy Nieusma. Juniors: Dona Maxwell, Susan Powers, Pat Fiske, Manette Steele, Betty Gillis, Andy Church, Richard Lechler, Phil Pezzuto, Pat Holcomb, Julie Durham, Kathy Bates, Ron Juros, Georgia Todd. Sophmores: Sandy Siska, Paul Moker, Linda Boyce, Jane Hungerford, Dale Verkin, Fred Geerdink, Mike Peel, Mike Church, Lucy Clark, Nancy Forrester, Cindy Troutman. Freshman: Scott Miser, Darcy Arnold, Scott Aldrink, Evelyn See, Carol Petek, Bill Perkins, Denise Lindstrom, Tina Jones, Dennis Bale, Scott Aldrink, Cathy Greene. Issue concludes with correction to the Number 1 issue by Chariman Van Oss

Oct. 20, 1969 - Vol. 1, Number 3

Student soda lounge, student council, Timm Wiseley, Pete Mokma, Liz Canales, Mike Baker, Nanci Oyler, Tom Swaffer, Virginia Boyce, Joanne Compton, Scott Baker, Keith Aldrink, Marcy Seymour, Craig Jones, Walter Lindstrom, Rich Klaynik, Tracy Acterhoff, Patsy Fiske, Cathy Lewandoski, Ray Parrish, Mr. Westrate, Deb Quade, Pat Holcomb, Diana Fazer, Mrs. Stewart. Article about Mr. Harmon Cropsy, lobbist for CUE (Communities United for Education), speaking against Sex Ed in school. Editorial cartoon criticizing the state of the cafeteria "dump!".

Oct. 31, 1969 - Vol. 1, Number 4

Mr. McMahon reports on visit to Vince Mocini at Naval academy, Drama club presents "The Boy Who Changed The World" starring Ray Parrish, Debbie Shields, Bev Van Os, Larry Shattuck, Nancy Nieusma, Deb Seymmour, Gary Van Dis, Jeff Peel, Jack Wilkin, Scott Phelps, Linnea Bekken, Beth Jones, Tony Johnson, Tedd Oyler, Mr. Vic Mayer, Nance Allen. Nov. 8 dance with "the Velvet Machine." Poem by Anne Lussmyer. Science Club fair Pat Fiske. Sports: John Bekken, Barry Sisson, Jim Anderson. Editorial cartoon about state of parking lot "Stuck in the Muck at Saugat-Tuck"

Nov. 14, 1969 - Vol. 1, Number 5

Interview with principal Mr. Robert Henderson. Student council Bill Brockington, JIm Anderson, Darcy Wilson and Linnea Bekken. Parking lot action. Letter to the editor by Anne Lussmyer about Vietnam war. Poems by Anne Lussmyer, Beverly Van Os and Nancy Allen. Mr. Dwight Cheever, Allegan Co. Probate Judge talk about Juvenile Court -- long hair on boys does not effect judgments. Student teacher Mrs. Barbara Yenelli departs.

Dec. 5, 1969 - Vol. 1, Number 6

Basketball: Pete Mocini, John Bekken, Gary Van Dis, Barry Sisson, Lou Hebert. Football: Terry Klinge. Letter to the editor by Jerry Sather complaining about student vandalism. "Pills" Science club tour of Upjohn Pharmaceutical Co. in Kalamazoo. Carousel Mt. Ski Club. Dr. Margolis of SIECIS speaking in favor of Sex Education. Art field trip to Chicago Art Institute. Anti-sex education CUE meeting ad on back page. Douglas Centennial seeks ideas.

Dec. 19, 1969 - Vol. 1, Number 7

School board member Mr. Julius Van Oss resigns in frustration over condition of building and possible forced consolidation. Letter to Editor by Jeff Peel with thanks to Bill McVea, Scott Phelps and his mom. Roller skating party. Poems by Gary Cosgrove, Mary Reiser, Betsy Shields. Sports: Dave Demerest, Tom Edgcomb. Basketball Rex Williams, Mike Baker, Ralph Troutman, Tom Swaffer, Tom Hoffman. Senior paper drive.

Jan. 26, 1970 - Vol. 1, Number 8

Citizens for Natural Preservation formed to take action about pollution in Kalamazoo River. Custodians improve building interior. Experiment in interracial living fails for lack of Black students. Poems by Anne Lussmyer and Gary Van Dis. Dance featuring "Black Sparrow". Awards to Jan Gilman, Terrie Parrish.

Feb. 6, 1970 - Vol. 1, Number 9

Mr. Mocini replaces Mrs. Von Ins. Editorial about bulletins. Poem by Terrie Parrish. CUE ad on consolidation.

Feb. 20, 1970 - Vol. 1, Number 10

Sports: Fred Geerdik, Lou Hebert, Gary Van Dis, Pete Mocini, Dave Mocini, Dennis Johnson, Dennis Bale, Keith Onken, Rex Williams

March 13, 1970 - Vol. 1, Number 11

Headline "Read this so you can Panic more intelligently" Mr. Gordon Aller, president of the Saugatuck School Board at CUE meeting about forced consolidation in order to improve facilities. O.J. Anderson on Glenn View Haven and Barry's Resort. King and Queen are Dick French and Beth Jones, Ron Juros and Debbie Quade, Mark McVea and Toni Delke, Dennis Bale and Andrea Mieras. Basketball: Nancy Nieusma, Ruth Baker, Chris Mostrom, Linda Boyce, Vicki Delke, Tina Jones, Lucy Clark.

April 3, 1970 - Vol. 1, Number 12

Consolidation editorial. Jan Gilman valedictorian, Anne Lussmyer salutatorian. Golf team Randy Nieusma, Blair Allen, Tedd Oyler and Mike Peel with coatch Dave VonIns and Carl Wicks. Celeste Valleau letter. Donkey Basketball report.

April 24, 1970 - Vol. 1, Number 13

Science fair wins for Louis Canales and Ray Parrish. Cheerleaders Chris Mostrom, Connie French, Leslie Christenson, Luci Clark, Denise Johnson, Linda Boyce, CAthy Greene, Carol Powers, Noreen Biller, Stacey Christenson, Kay Kelly, Tina Jones, Nanci Oyler, Sally Siska, Darlene Johnson, Sue Sneider, Gina Boyce, Cheryl Coles.

May 8, 1970 - Vol. 1, Number 14

Soda Lounge needs support. Student council Tedd Oyler, Steve Siska, Nance Allen, Dennis Anderson, Bob Atman, Leslie Christenson, Cathy Lewandowski, Debbi Seymour. Senior trip to Milwauke. Track: Gary Van Dis, Bruce Troutman, Larry Shattuck, Switzer, Bob Atman, John Bekken. Band: Steve Evans, Jan Gilman, kathy Tisdale, Bev Barnes, Kathy Evans Jan Lussmyer. Poem by Nance Allen.

June 5, 1970 - Vol. 1, Number 15

Thanks to Mr. McMahon, Art Lane and Mrs. David Von Ins. Millage election. Prom at Carousel Mountain. Senior wills and prophey: Bill McVea, Cathy Conklin, Ron Holton, Wally Bjorkland, Beth Jones, Larry Shuttuck, Gerald Schock, Joel Ledford, Nancy Nieusma, Ken Rininger, Rod Nicols, Mike Petek, Balir Allen, Tony Johnson, Sue Wright, Scott Phelps, Steve Evans, Bev Van Os, John Hutchins, Ken Church, Mary Lou Hebert, Bill Brockington, Sue Elliot, Bob Walkey, Ruth Baker, Bill Scherpinski, Gail Laskers, Lou Hebert, Bits Thorby, Jeff Peel, Vaughn Cannady, Sue Miller, Dick French, Anne Lussmyer, Darcy Wilson, Gary Steele, Jackie Hedglin, Bob Harrington, Linnea Bekken, Pete Mocini, Terrie Parrish, Gary Cosgrove, Kathy See, Inger Strang, Jim Anderson, vickie Christenson, Jay Wells, Eliza Torres, Jan Gilman, Steve Mokma, Jerry Sather, Terry Kling.

Sept. 24, 1971 - Vol. 3, Number 1

Student council John Bekken, Ray Parrish, Sandy Siska, Cathy Lewsandowski, Carol Petek and counselor Mr. Loren Perry. A.C.T. and P.S.A.T. and N.M.S.Q.T. test dates. Cheerleaders Noreen Biller, Denise Johnson, Tina JOnes, Kay Kelly, Carol Powers, Kathy Ressequie, Gina Boyce, Liz Canales, Cheryl Coles, Janet Hallgren, Darlene Johnson, Susie Sneider, Christy Bird, Debbie Fincher, Revie Rastall, Marcy Seymour, Marlene Sluis, Angie Troutman.

October 15, 1971 - Vol. 3, Number 3

1 page issue with masthead on bottom and price dropped from 10 cents to 5 cents. Homecoming court: Peggy Tisdale and Kenny Troutman, Janet Hallgren and George Gendrn, Donna Eaglesham and Paul Wicks. Mark Bild dodge-ball accident. Future Homemakers of America float

Dec. 23, 1971 - Vol. 3, Number 6

Price raised to 15 cents (still 5 cents below cost). Page of Christmas photos. Student survey. Mrs. Van Koererings Home Ec. Class bakes cookies. Katie Snowden from Florida joins Tomahawk staff. Cathy Lewandowski named good citizen.

Jan. 20, 1972 - Vol. 3, Number 7

New student Alberto Mendes from Brazil. Current events cabbage heads. Drama club disbands. Bios about John Drapak, Mike Troutman, Katie Snowden. 1971 recap.

Feb. ?, 1972 - Vol. 3, Number 8

Printed on pink paper. Bios about Marily Shuttuck, Dave Mocini. Honor roll lists.

March 10, 1972 - Vol. 3, Number 10

Dr. Frank Gallaway drug seminar. Green shirts in honor of Black history. New student teachers Dawn Vollink, Dorothy Breen and Nancy Borgeson. Yo-yos banned.

March 30, 1972 - Vol. 3, Number 11

Jamaica trip. A liberated female complains about preferential treatment for boys.Poems by Gloria Crawford, Ray Resseguie, Cheryl Coles, Lois Klomp and Jim Brandt. Bios about Mary Colby, Kathy Hoffman and Ray Sluis

May 19, 1972 - Vol. 3, Number 13

Senior drama Dave Demerest, Lindy Boyce, Jack Wilkin Luci Clark, Cathy Lewondowski, Bob Atman, Sandy Siska, Rick Switzer and Linda Boyce. New draft procedures. Bios about Tina Jones, Sheryl Stahl, John Petek.

June 2, 1972 - Vol. 3, Number 14

Senior prophecy: Greg Guidry, Sandy Siska, Jeff Busscher, Tom Doucette, Denise Johnson, John Drapak, Dave Demerest, Paul MOker, Bruce Troutman, Debbi Seymour, Paul Vermuelen, Sandy Wisely, Nancy Forrester, John Bekken, Scott Bryan, Denny Herbert, Fred Geerdink, Janet Colby, Bob Atman, Alan Welch, Steve Forrester. Koning award to Dave Demerest. Ron Conklin car accident. Bios of Carol Petek, Don Buwolda and Cathy Lundgren.

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Saugatuck Public School 1897-1950

