Butler/Billings home at 510 Butler
Five photographic negatives of various members of the Billings family posing with a car in front of their home. The building is was on the corner of Butler and Mary streets a.k.a. 510 Butler St.
The 510 Butler structure was sold to Mr. Brown, father-in-law of John Billings, who later sold it to Charlie Billings. The house was razed in 1940 when "Wickwood" was built by Frank Wicks.

Billings, Clerana G. "Clara" (Brown) 1841-1932Wickwood Inn/W. Butler 2nd houseBillings, Charles Clark 1843-1924
James Schmiechen speculated that this was the site of William Butler's "second frame house." Mr. Butler's first dwelling, a log cabin, was located about where 202 Butler St. is today.
Buildings: LostBuildings: Homes, cottages and private residences
Winthers, Sally
Wickwood Inn
Files Properties
Butler, William Gay 1799-1857
Billings, Charles Clark 1843-1924
Notes: Lot 56 Charles Billings was a Civil War Vet. Son of pioneer John Billings