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G.A.R. Post news


The Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) was a fraternal organization of Union Civil War veterans. It was founded in 1866 in Decatur, Illinois, grew to include hundreds of "posts" across the North and West. Its peak membership, at 410,000, was in 1890. The organization dissolved in 1956 at the death of its last member. According to Stuart McConnell, "The Grand Army of the Republic, the largest of all Union Army veterans' organizations, was the most powerful single-issue political lobby of the late nineteenth century, securing massive pensions for veterans and helping to elect five postwar presidents from its own membership. To its members, it was also a secret fraternal order, a source of local charity, a provider of entertainment in small municipalities, and a patriotic organization." Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Army_of_the_Republic

NewspapersMilitary, wars and veteransFamily History

Winthers, Sally

Digital data in CatalogIt

G.A.R. Geo. N. Dutcher Post, No. 148.Walker, Ancil W. 1844-1932Slack, Anthony 1836-1915Boyles, James 1825-1891G.A.R. J. G. Frye Post, No. 46Kleeman, Theodore F. 1829-1906Newnham, Richard B. 1819-1908/9Bird, Henry Jr. 1843-1932Chambers, Culver Aaron 1846-1924Ewald, Ludwig Henry 1836-1891Buchanan, Robert 1836-1908Stillson, Alvin Henry 1829-1917G.A.R. James M. Pond post 1903White, William Lieut. 1835-1922Mather, Dr. Willis Willard 1856-1907Tuttle, Levi 1829-1921

American Civil War 1861-1865

