Saugatuck in the 1930s
SDHS NL InsertsCommercial businesses
Winthers, Sally
Digital data in CatalogIt
Clark, Margaret Ruth (Sessions) 1927-?American Spoon/Sessions IGA/Corkill, Dr. Clifford 1896-1955Newnham, Harry W. 1891-1970Bolton, Red, John, William and RobertBird, Charles Edmund Sr. 1855-1941Landsharks/Tripp's/Kruger's/C.E. Bird's/Ensign Drug Store/Wilcox BuildingBird, John Moffat 1899-1973Fenn Valley Tasting Room/Consumers Power/Village News & TobaccoOlive Mill/Huff Antiques/Jarvis/Niles Jewelery StoreJarvis, Leroy Dillon “Roy" or "Jarvie” 1887-1949It Is What It Is South/Hopper/Zwemer AgencyNaughtin, SaburniaZwemer, Joseph Benjamin 1879-1945Walker, Dr. Robert J.1869-1944Whipple, Henrietta (Hopkins) 1865-1951Hotel Casablanca/Grace Hotel/Roamers Inn 1904-1969Christian Science Church/Barnett Bldg.Waugh, Lloyd Hall "Doc" 1897-1955Maplewood Hotel b.1860/facade 1923Big Pavilion 1909-1960James Brandess Gallery/Old Post Office ShopsGlik's/Oostings/Saugatuck/Seymour/Ross Phelps/Schnobel's Hardware CompanyVillage Newstand/Funk's NewsKilwins/Flint's Quality Store/Landmark Building/A.B. Taylor Store/Odd Fellow HallKreager, Dr. Herman E. 1883-1939Good Goods/White House/James Dole house/106 MasonSanta Fe Trading Company/Old World Bakery/Rosemarie/Wilson Ice CreamGrins/Martha Shop/Dr. Walker's office/Miller Robinson/Turell BuildingDesign Shop/Whipple Sister's HouseTuck's Pandora Christmas Shop/East of the Sun/Cabin Tavern/Walz's Butcher Shop/Nichols Bldg.'Round the Corner Ice Cream Shoppe/Model Laundry/Metzger BuildingCoral Gables/Hotel Saugatuck/Columbia Hotel/Leiendecker's Inn
This information was OCR text scanned from SDHS newsletter supplements. Binders of original paper copies are in the SDHC reference library.