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Blue Star Memorial Highway Park


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Text from "Roadside Parks on the Blue Star Highway.docx", attached Roadside Parks on the Blue Star Highway -contributed by Chris Yoder The July 18th Tuesday talk on the “West Michigan Pike” by John Geisler surprised many with photos of a historic roadside rest stop just one mile north of town which was part of a series of them up and down the “West Michigan Pike” (part of US-31, the “Dixie Highway”). The Michigan State Highway Department announced in the Aug. 27, 1937 Commercial Record that 21 roadside picnic tables had been placed along state highways in Allegan County during the summer. These were part of 1,500 then available throughout the state, and increase of 600 over the previous year. “The tables are located at convenient points along the trunk lines where outstanding views or a particularly shady spot are available. At many of these spots, stoves and wells or springs are also provided.” State Highway Commissioner Murray D. Van Wagoner went on to say “Counts taken at typical roadside picnic parks and letters we have received from tourists from all parts of the nation indicate that these services are deeply appreciated. Registrations also show that hundreds of Michigan motorists are using these picnic facilities as well as tourists from outside the state.” Five of these Allegan County rest stops announced in 1937 were on US-31: - Our Saugatuck Township one – “1 mile north of Saugatuck, roadside park, 3 tables, well house, stove.” - One 6 miles north of Saugatuck, 1 table. - One .5 miles south of the junction of M-89 and US-31, 1 table. - One 5 miles north of Van Buren county line, 1 table. - One 6 miles north of Van Buren line, 1 table. How many of these are still around? 1936-1937 were important years in our area. The road to the Oval Beach had been opened, L.W. Lamb had finished the "new bridge" across the Kalamazoo, and Lyons Construction had a dredge and suction working to pump the island out of the river to create the raised roadbed on either side of the bridge. Reith-Riley had the contract to haul the sand and construct the new road from the bridge up to around where the interstate is today. This US-31 bi-pass replaced the main road which had gone right down town from the bridge end and out of town on Holland Street. “Gold Star Mothers” had come into being after WWI, signifying that a son had been lost in the service. At the beginning of WWII a “Blue Star” came to represent a family that had a living child in service. In 1945 The National Council of State Garden Clubs, now known as National Garden Clubs, Inc., started a program to mark “Blue Star Memorial Highways” in honor of our service members. Our Allegan County stretch of US-31 is one of those designated a “Blue Star Highway”. The township rest stop, located just south of Spectators Restaurant on the East side of the road was sponsored by the “Junior Daisyfield Garden Club of Mason”, Michigan ( a small town in Ingham County). It is referred to as the “Blue Star Memorial Park” and is now under the care of the Township Parks Commission. It is no longer dependent on a well, as a public water line runs through with a hydrant on site. The park was last upgraded in the 1990s and a new park sign was added in 2002. In April of this year, the members of Saugatuck Douglas Boy Scout Troop 29, led by David Ihle, used (50) 10 ft cedar rails, (26) Double Hole Posts, and (1) Box of 3" screws to replace the wooden fence around the park as an act to honor our service men and women past and present. Township Manager Aaron Sheridan writes “The township paid for the materials and the Scouts provided the elbow grease.”

Military, wars and veterans

Winthers, Sally

076 Parks and Cemeteries

