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Autograph Album


Voss, Mary

Autograph Album belonging to Eleanor Koning 1927

1927 - 1929

4-1/2 in

6-1/2 in

014 Diaries, autograph albums


Koning, Eleanor 1913-1992

Howard, Nicky

Prentice, Willard Jenison 1908-2000

Richards, Harry T.

Kelly, Lucille

Thomas, Everard "Ev" D. 1912-2004

Taylor, Joy


Prentice, Willard Jenison 1908-2000

Snay, Robert "Bob" E. 1910-1951

Redebaugh, Elita

Bradley, Helen (Kreager) 1912-2002

Ten Have, Charles W. 1911-1981

Bransberger, Bruno

Kelly, George

Pfaff, Kate

Bird, Moffat Putnam 1911-1993

Martin, Elizabeth "Betty" (Stillson) 1911-1994

Waugh, Ruth E. (Bundy) 1904-1992

Coatoam, Genevieve (Wright)

Bird, Don Charles

Sissions, Stuart

Barrow, John

Huff, May

Bird, Adelaide (Campbell)

Force, Edward D. Jr. 1908-1972

Dempster, Robert "Bob" James 1914-1986

Woodwall, Eggy

Crow, Morton H. "Heath" 1910-1976

Howard, Mangery

Mize, Roxie Ann 1913-1996

Welch, Charles, A. 1909-1981

Van Dragt, Roy

Shuldan, George

Taylor, Mardella "Mardele"

Waugh, Lloyd Hall "Doc" 1897-1955

Damoth, Audrey


Notes: Long list of names included on a separate sheet of paper. Status: OK Status By: Mary Voss Status Date: 2016-09-07

