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Civil War Rally


REMEMBERING THE CIVIL WAR Civil War Rally In April of 1861, when word reached Michigan about the attack on at Fort Sumter, by the army of the newly-formed Confederate States of American, citizens around the state called meetings to support the Union, and to rally those who would be soldiers in the Union cause. The citizens of Saugatuck and vicinity met at Morrison’s Hall on Monday evening, April 29. Levi Loomis, a Ganges farmer, was chairman, and James G. Butler, who was the son of Saugatuck founder, William J. Butler, was elected secretary. George Harris, whose family owned a drug store in Saugatuck; F. B. Wallin, who ran a tannery on Goshorn Creek, Elisha Mix, a farmer from Manlius Township (later to be a Civil War general) and Nelson Wade of Douglas made up the Committee on Resolutions. Wallin and F. B. Stockbridge, a local mill owner (later be a United States Senator), provided the oratory -- accompanied by a “few national songs” from the local glee club. By Kit Lane

Remembering When

Winthers, Sally

Digital data in CatalogIt

Wade, NelsonSheridan, John "Jack" O. 1938-Loomis, Levi 1810-1892Lane, KitHarris, GeorgeSchmiechen, James A.Butler, James Gay 1840-1916Mix, ElishaWallin, Franklin Bogue 1832-1908Stockbridge, Francis Brown 1826-1894

American Civil War 1861-1865

Local Observer

