Fruit Growers State Bank pamphlet
Photocopies of pages from a Fruit Growers State Bank pamphlet, circa 1912 when Taylor stepped down as bank president.
Originally cataloged at 95-41-1b, the copy includes a note "undated but printed shortly before D.M. Gerber replaced A.B. Taylor as Bank President as this change was noted on cover. Whoever made the photocopies seemed to focus on the advertising rather than the banking content or the cover.

025 Saugatuck Douglas Commercial History
M.B. Knowlton Livery and Feed Stable
Chas. S. Losey & Son
Gerber, Daniel Milton 1862-1929
Taylor, Alfred Blake Sr. 1846-1920
Aliber, James Amos 1853-1920
E.E. Weed & Co., 1880s-1927
Kirby, Willard John "Bud" 1887-1961
L.W. Mc Donald's People's Store
H.A. McDonald Central Store, Douglas (not McDonald's People's Store)
Brown, Ida H. (Deming) 1863-1920
Schmidt's Bakery
Vansyckel, F.B.
Wiegert, Benjamin "Ben" William 1877-1946
Hyet, B.E.
Knoll, Henry