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Warner P. Sutton



As a young man Sutton taught school in Watervliet and Ludington, Michigan. In 1875 he came to Saugatuck to serve as superintendent of schools, where he taught three years before his friend, Senator Thomas White Ferry, arranged appointment as Consular Agent at Matamoros, Mexico. Sutton later became Consul and then Consul General at Nuevo Laredo. Mexico, serving from 1878 to 1893, during the terms of presidents Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland and Harrison. In 1889 he was called to Washington by Secretary of State Elaine to act as secretary of the American delegation to the first Pan-American Conference. After leaving the Consular service Sutton practiced International law, the most notably in the Cheek case against the King of Siam, which he won. During the Spanish-American War he served under General Miles in Puerto Rico after which he retired to his home in Saugatuck, "The Beeches". Today, his home is a historic inn.

Biographies and personalitiesFamily HistoryEducation and schools

Winthers, Sally

8-1/2 in

5-1/2 in

Paperback Booklet

Files Accession Number


Sutton, Warner Perrin 1849-1913Beechwood Manor/The Beeches/Warner P. Sutton House

