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Lakeshore, Shorewood, Felker, Chestnut and Center St. house numbers


Lists names of lot owners in 1961

Development, land

22 in

17 in

Flat Files drawer 16 plat and property maps

Carey, Rob 1928-2019Douglas Lake Shore AssociationShorewood/Hemlock TerraceFelker Subdivision

OCR scan of list of lot owner's names (may contain scanning errors) LAKESHORE ASSOCIATION - 1961 Map of the Lakeshore) Douglas, Mich. House numbers are those of Consumers Power Co. Bren numbers are found on the west side of the road, and on the north side. H. L. Allen 374-6-8 Mark Atwood 144 Dr. Walter F. Balieko 2895 Mrs. Bobert E. Barrett 112 Miss Virginia Bartow 400 George S. Beaumont 2797 Herbert Becker 3053 Mrs. Vincent Beckman 3047 Lyle M. Bittinger 383 405 Harry M. Bohn, Jr. 280 Martin H. Braun 204 Joseph J. Bredeman 3089 Mrs. C. R. Briggs 313 Paul J. Bruck 2969 Douglas Bryan 31-59-83 Francis T. Bryan 2829 Hallie F. Bryan 67 Mrs. Kathryn K. Bryan 2825 Willis Bryan 3097 Herbert A. Byfield 3021 Robert M. Campbell 43 John D. Cannon 3070 Mrs. W. E. Caylor 3081 Peter R. Cergizan 66 Dr. George L. Clark 308-10 Mrs. Satie E. Clark 80 John Clemens, Jr. 3019 Continental Ill. Nat. Bk. 334 Robert C. Corlett 174 182 Webster D. Corlett 167 E. Philpot Curran 96 Mark D. Eagleton 3017 Benjamin H. Eddy 218 Raymond G. Eddy 225 R. K. Eggeston 2971 Dr. Elmore W. Elliott 298 Mrs. Otto Erker 130 Arthur W. Gallup 156 Miss Lala Garesche 217 278 284 Robert O. Garesche 274 A. L. Greene 2973 Mrs. Helen Greene 3007 Charles H. Good 11 Robert L. Hajioek 53 Robert L. Hanson 3035 Cassius H. Harris 28 Donald F. Heuohan 109 Norman Ibsen 70 Andrew Jager 2989 Henry Jager 2975 Mrs. Dorothy S. Koehler 145 Joseph L. Komar 2857 Mrs. Anna Lively 384 Raleigh McCormick 377 Harold B. MoEldowney 3059 Donna McGuire 3031 Mrs. William C. McVea 301 Mrs. William J. McVea 321 Joe Milauckas 2885-69 Dr. Kenneth C. Miller 2965 Mrs. S. B. Morency 99 Morris Mueller 3054 Joseph E. Murphy 2985 Dr. Andrew Nagy 254 Harry Painter 94 Maurice Paris 175 Miss Dorothy E. Paton 210 William E. Phillips 3067 Mrs. Bard Priddy 2981 Harry L. Randall 2851 Paul F. Ring 364 W. C. Roe 2941 Lucius E. Sayre 394 Frederick Schiller 108 Mrs. John Schreiber 265 A. Louis Shaw, Jr. 2997 Francis Showers 135 Albert H. Siska 3013 William Sleepack 361 Donald D. Sperry 388 W. S. Spieih 343 Store 279 L. W. Stratton 2963 Dr. Albert Stutsman 408 Carl E. Swanson 282 Mrs. Fred Switzer 3075 Mrs. William Taylor 2951 Edward A. Thiele 121 Mrs. David Tomlinson 2993 Herbert H. Uptta 345 Village Beach 50 Charles von Brecht 247 Miss Grace von Phul 3099 Mrs. Mary Hummel Wagner 249-51 Roderick A. Walker 2983 Miss Lucy J. Watt 332 John D. Whitton 2907 Shorewood R. J. Dallach (Haneman) 448 Jack P. Dazey 528 John R. Effinger 560 Virgid E. Evans 629-31 Miss Grace K. Gjesdahl 588 R. G. Haskins 440 Mrs. Elmer T. Howson 570 L. R. Howson 550 Mrs. Ernest Johnson 468 Keith Kindred 434 518 Edwin B. Lindsay 606 Mrs. W. E. McCollum 436 W. S. Martens 455 Joseph N. Morency 499 R. P. Noble 580 H. W. Reel 534 William H. Reininga 650 Dr. A. L. Sawyer 624 William P. Sayre 557 P. D. Simonton 636 Robert Foley Smith 467 W. L. Tripp 533 Ralph M. Watt 596 Felker Subdivision (South of Center St.) Miss Mildred Berggren 3090 Joseph L. Bredeman 6943 Joseph E. Brockway 6925 Joseph T. Conlon 6930 Carl J. Ceokmeyer 3063 Guy H. Hill 3080 Miss Anna Kanera 3081-3 Frank R. Linroth 6939 Miss Martha Marowelli 6938 Bill Rich 6926 L. W. Stratton (Lux) 6925 Walter Sheehan 3065 Walter F. Reddy 6927 George Vyhanek 3073 Joe Vyhanek 3071 Mrs. R. W. Zitwitz 6919 Chestnut St. (North of Center St.) Douglas Bryan 60 Willis Bryan 30 45 Anthony Delke IIA y Raymond Henneman 95 Center St. Miss Mildred Berggren 955-95 Joseph J. Bredeman 1021 Edward Bremer 797 Willis Bryan 1010 Winifred Cook 935 Miss Alice M. Fogle 847 William Gioor 763 Carl E. Hendrickson 927 Earnest W. Jarvis 747 Albert E. Killackey 999 1011 Richard Snyder 938 Arthur Trenhaile 811

