Bekken Blacksmith Building
According to Jim Schmiechen in "Raising the Roof" first ed., pg. 17, "Herman Bekken's Blacksmith Shop, 1897 (photo ca. 1950) Washington and Wall Streets, Douglas. The last of the Douglas blacksmiths."
Site address is 42 N. Washington St., Douglas.
In 2022, a replica sign was hung on the building.
H.M. Bekken, Horse Shoeing & General Repairing.
The photo depicts a square, two-story brick building with a low ramp leading to double-doors (to allow horses to enter the ground-floor level for shoe fitting. A Ford model A-style car is parked to the left of the doors.
Bekken, Herman M.
"Bekken's blacksmith-shop structure still stands today, reminding us that in the days before the automobile the villages were kept on the move by the blacksmith who repaired and built carriages and wagons and shod the horses.2" -- "Raising the Roof" first ed., pg. 17.
William (Bill) Simmons
Voss, Mary
Simmons, William "Bill" R. 1890/1-1966
Files Accession Number
Status: OK Status By: Mary Voss Status Date: 2011-11-14