Interurban Station
Passengers and luggage await the Interurban electric train by the Butler Street turn around loop. A banner on the station advertises a Grand Auction Sale 100 Lake Shore Lot At Ridgewood Beach"
This image was featured as History Mystery #9 with the solution: The people are waiting for the Interurban cars to arrive. The photo was taken from the east porch of the Butler Hotel.
Digital scan
Shell/Force's Snug Harbor/Interurban StationInterurban Railroad 1899-1927
1880 Tourism steamship era -19301899 Interurban electric train -1926
Winthers, Sally
Digital data in CatalogIt
These image(s) were copied from the SDHC photo blog [or the Jack Sheridan drive if that was a superior version] in preparation for updating the SDHC website in 2023.