Blue Tempo/Toad Davis collection
Documents pertaining to the Blue Tempo House of Music Bar or Lounge and its owner Donald "Toad" Davis.
a. The Commercial Record, July 22, 1976 - “Fire Marshals Checking Blue Tempo Blaze” newspaper article.
b. Tribute to Donald Davis “TOAD” - by Tammy Grigg
c. Memories of “The Blue Tango” by ALan J. Weener, 2/13/2105
d. Petition supporting the creating of “TOAD-VILLE”
e. Drawing of the proposed “TOAD-VILLE”
f. Liquor Control Act
g. “Davis interview with Jack Sheridan (Oct 2006?)” NOTE: We assume this is the handwritten “memoir” Davis wrote to himself before the actual interview.
h. Downloadable WORD transcript of Davis’ “memoir”.
Michigan Liquor Control Act
photocopy of Davis' rules and regulation booklet
Petition in support of Donald Davis' plan to convert the Ed-Mar into "Toad-Ville USA"
Davis' rendering of new, castle-themed venue.
Commercial Record, July 22, 1976
front page story about the burning of the Blue Tempo building
Handwritten memoir by Don "Toad" Davis.
transcript as a Word document attached to this entry
Don "Toad" Davis interview with Mike Sweeney
2 mp3 files created from cassette tape of original interview.
029 Jazz
Blue Tempo/Ed-Mar/Louis Beuerle Hotel ?-1976Davis, Donald "Toad"