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Little Houses on Hill


On paper


Peters, Louise

PaintingPainting of little houses

8 in

10 in

AC bay 20 small works

Art Conservation Room


Peters, Louise

Notes: This note was atached to the donation. Louise Peters was a member of the Saugatuck-Douglas Art Club and was a dear friend of Jane Van Dis. Judy Anthrop was her 'lifeline" contact, neighbor and friend. She was in the Tulip Time shows in Holland. She lived on the corner of Randolph and Main in downtown Douglas. She was known for her watercolors of little houses and sold her work at the SD Art Club Art Fair on the 4th of July each year. She was a tiny lady and lots of fun - saying her painting and selling one per year"kept her out of the bars. She always served marshmelloe coconut cookies in little plastic bags. She passed away in her home in Douglas from a falll and old age. Status: OK Status By: Mary Voss Status Date: 2016-12-05

