Ira Koning's Hygiene school work
Single sheet of lined paper from Bird & Phelps, Drugs and Stationery, with Saugatuck Union School and blank lines for grade, teacher, date, name, subject and average pre-printed on top.
Young Ira Honing, age 11, completed his Hygiene work on Feb 20, 1895 for Mr. G. Phelps 7th grade. Ira was asked to describe the cutis (skin), motion and size of the heart and blood vessels, respiration, inherited traits, perspiration, salivation and asked "What classes of men will insurance companies not take?" Answer: Liquor seller because they liable to drink themselves. Many of the answers contained warnings against drinking.
Winthers, Sally
14 in
8-1/2 in
163 Koning Ludwig family
Koning, Arie James "Ira" 1883-1975