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Saugatuck Village Hall


Charles Lorenz

Stevens, Meghann

Van Oss, James "Jim"


Lower right corner

Jim Van Oss

Charles LorenzJim Van OssArtSaugatuck Village Hall

7-3/8 in

5-1/2 in

Frame Size: 8.5 in long by 11 in wide Image Size: 5.5 in long by 7.4 in wide

AC flat file 3

Art Conservation Room


While the image itself appears to have little to no deterioration, the cardboard frame does show some bleaching at the corners. The bleaching is most likely from exposure to bright light for long periods of time. There are also several small, tan stains along the front of the frame. But the cause is unknown. The tape that is holding the image to the frame is severely deteriorated and has gone completely yellow. The adhesive is still working, however, so it can't be removed from the image yet without the possibility of damaging the drawing. It would be best to remove this frame, if possible, in the future to prevent further damage from the tape.

Lorenz, Charles J. 1942-1994

Van Oss, James "Jim"

2016.37.05, 2016.37.22, 2016.37.24 This piece arrived with several other artworks in the Charles Lorenz archival collection. To ensure proper care, it was removed from the archival materials and placed in the art collection.

Status: OK Status By: Meghann Stevens Status Date: 2018-09-27

