Old Harbor Piers with light and catwalk 1890s
The old harbor piers with a catwalk and light on the southern wall.
This image was featured as History Mystery #40 with the question "The old piers (see the remnants at the Oval Beach) were completed in 1873 and remained in use until about 1909. What is unusual in this photo and how was this circa 1897 photo dated?" and the solution "In 1894, a catwalk was installed so that the light - mounted on cart that rolled on steel rails - could be serviced without going to the pier head. The system was removed in 1900."
Digital scan
Old Harbor/Channel piers pre-1906/Ox-Bow Lagoon
Winthers, Sally
Digital data in CatalogIt
These image(s) were copied from the SDHC photo blog [or the Jack Sheridan drive if that was a superior version] in preparation for updating the SDHC website in 2023.