The Old Crow (Rathskellar at Coral Gables)
This lithograph by Emily Parks is titled, "Old Crow Bar." It depicts a crowded scene where people are dancing, drinking, and enjoying the band playing live music in the center of the work. The arching ceiling of the bar encloses the space of the bar, allowing it to feel dark and intimate. The medium of lithograph lends itself well to the shadowy qualities of the space and darkens the faces of many of the patrons. Some individuals do have light shining on their faces, yet Park's stylistic approach places them just as figures in a greater crowd, where no one stands out too much- due to similarities in her drawings of faces. In the commercial record, Jack Sheridan identifies the location as the Rathskellar which was a bar in Saugatuck. It was also known as the Old Crow Bar, which is what parks has named the piece. The bar opened in 1960. The bar was at the southwest corner of the Hotel Saugatuck, also known as Coral Gables. Parks made this lithograph when the bar opened as a advertisement in 1960.
Adapted from The Commercial Record
Voss, Mary
Parks, Emily M.
ArtEtching, Old Crow Bar by Emily Parks
12 in
16 in
Art Conservation Room
Parks, Emily M.Coral Gables/Hotel Saugatuck/Columbia Hotel/Leiendecker's Inn
Status: OK Status By: Mary Voss Status Date: 2020-06-15