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Student work of Cora Bliss Taylor


Taylor, Cora Bliss 1889-1986

Art schools and colonies other than Ox-BowArtworks

Slusar, Vern

from Cora Bliss Taylor "Cody's World" exhibit, Aug 2019 at the OSH Student Work c.1960 | Poster paint Creator: Terri Blok Schippa/Susan Edgcomb Dickens From 1931 to 1980, children were mentored in art by Cora Bliss Taylor, who had established her own Taylor Art School. According to former students, classes would be held in Mrs. Taylor’s backyard two days a week during the Summer. Terri Schippa remembers walking into Mrs. Taylor’s garden and seeing clotheslines full of drying paintings, a shed which housed art supplies, and egg cartons full of poster paint. For the most part, the kids were able to paint whatever they liked, “as long as it was outlined in black.” Occasionally, Cora would take her students to paint on location. Some popular places, among others, were All-Saints Church, the Peterson Mill, and the Saugatuck boardwalk. The works included here were created by former Taylor Art School Students, Terri Schippa and Susan Dickens, who granted us permission to display these images. Collection: Private Collections

